My baby is about to turn 1 and I want to be prepared for what I know is ahead. What are some books you'd recommend for parenting a toddler?
Things are going to change and quick. If you are lucky your little one will wait until after he or she is 18 months old to really hit the “tough twos”. My daughter seemed to start the day she turned 1. The phrase “terrible twos” is misleading and so I try not to use it. It suggests your child suddenly becomes very bad. The toddler years are a frustrating time for your child. He or she is beginning to be able to communicate, but is still unable to express his or her needs effectively. That would make anyone throw a temper tantrum now and then.
I recommend Connection Parenting by Pam Leo to ALL parents. It will help give you a good long term view of parenting because so many issues children have as they get older start in those toddler years.
Positive Discipline for the Toddler Years by Jane Nelsen Ed.D., Cheryl Erwin and Roslyn Ann Duffy is a great one really geared for the 1-3 year old. There is a Positive Discipline for Preschoolers too.
I love using the What to Expect series of books by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazebut. But I like the way Baby 411 by Denise Fields and Ari Brown is laid out according to topic instead of age. So that if you want to know what to do about getting your child to sleep on a schedule you can look at the topic through all the ages, instead of flipping through to the next age category. These books have great overviews of all the different discipline styles and techniques. You can then make an educated and informed decision as parents.
I think the book The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell is incredibly helpful in understanding how to communicate love to your children. Every person, including children, have unique ways they communicate love and ways they respond to being loved. By showing your child you love him or her in the “love language” they speak you will insure he or she is aware of the love you give.
Parents and child caregivers out there, please comment and let us know what your favorite parenting books are.