Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A little break

Hey everyone.  If you know me, you most likely already know this news.  My husband and I welcomed a 7 week old baby into our home on April 7th.  We are so very excited to be her foster parents for now and if it works out hope she will be part of our forever family soon. 

This means that I am going to need to spend some time adjusting to the baby and helping my 3 year old adjust as well.  I am sure in the next few weeks I will be more than just a little tired as well.  So I am going to be taking a break from blogging for the next month or so.  I hope to be back up in running in mid May or June.  And just so you know, I have some really exciting plans for blog expansion that I know you will all enjoy. 

Strong Roots is still open for limited business so if you are in need of a parenting solution I am still available for personal family coaching sessions. 

So thanks and here is a little peak of what I will be happily doing for - well the rest of my LIFE!!!

Lucy* and Nadia sharing mommy's lap 

 *not her given name, we are unable to show her face on public sites or give out her name) 


Kristin said...

Hi Marcia!!! Congratulations- so happy for you. I cannot find where to post a testimonial. If you are up at 2 am and find you cannot sleep- maybe u can direct me??

Deborah McNelis said...


What wonderful, special and fun news!!

ENJOY this time!!
