Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No Bad Kids

Thursday Favorite

How do you react when your toddler or preschooler misbehaves?  If you are like me, it can depend greatly on my attitude at the time.  Today I am featuring a blog post by Janet Lansbury that says there are no bad kids.  This topic is especially helpful with holidays, shopping and family gatherings coming up. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

"Begin with a predictable environment and realistic expectations.  A predictable, daily routine enables a baby to anticipate what is expected of him. That is the beginning of discipline. Home is the ideal place for infants and toddlers to spend the majority of their day. Of course, we must take them with us to do errands sometimes, but we cannot expect a toddler’s best behavior at dinner parties, long afternoons at the mall, or when his days are loaded with scheduled activities." 

Please check out the rest of the article HERE

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